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Friday, April 27, 2012

Reiki, Horses, and Healing

I was excited to be able to give my Reiki students the opportunity to tour Equine Voices Rescue & Sanctuary and offer Reiki to the horses.  I knew that it would be a moving experience, but our visit proved to be so much more. Connections were made and hearts touched; it was transformative. 

Many of us have benefited from HRT and drug industry practices that condone cruelty. Mares used in the production of Premarin exhibit the same loss of spirit as victims of domestic violence.  Abuse is abuse is abuse… It is soul deadening.

At Equine Voices rescued horses receive loving care, are given freedom to move about and time to heal.  What powerful examples, these mares, of resilience, recovery, and renewal.

We all have an innate ability to heal. Reiki balances us and facilitates the body’s natural healing, while also serving as a catalyst for change on the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.  Used daily, Reiki self-treatment offers the frequency of exposure that enhances our capacity to overcome what is hurtful and harmful.

Equine-assisted therapy is being used to help humans heal. My students and I were privileged to be able to use Reiki to help horses heal.